Item Selections
Any combination of items may be selected here, however it is normally advisable to only use statistical forecasting on sales units.
Level of Detail
Any level of detail may be selected here however it is normally advisable to work at SKU (item code) level.
If any level other than base (item code) is used then the following apply:
- Calculated total forecast units are automatically split on a pro-rata basis across all item codes that belong to each group
- Pro-rata calculations are based upon existing units by item code in each forecast file
- You should ensure that a suitable split by item code is saved in each forecast file before applying statistical forecast models at group level
- Where units for each item code in a group are currently zero the units forecast for that group will be equally split across all item cods belonging to that group
Units Options
Normally, you will want to obtain forecasts in terms of standard units (sales packs), however, you may work in terms of converted units (e.g. tablets). Where converted units are used the resulting forecasts units are converted back into standard units when data are saved in the selected forecast files.
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