Crosstab Name | Value by Quarter & Percentages of Total (2 files) |
Description | Shows the value of items for two files for each quarter, as well as showing the percentage of their respective year's total this makes up. |
Number of Files | 2 Summary Files required |
Database Validity | Can be applied to all Sales and P&L databases. |
Variants | Value by Quarter & Percentages of Total (1 file) |
Extra Notes | Does not use any classification variables, so is applicable to all databases. Period must be January to December. Variance option must be Period Totals only. |
You have created a report showing values by quarter for each file, but now want to see these figures as a percentage of their total years value respectively. This will allow you to adapt a suitable future strategy dependent on whether there are fluctuations between different files or not.
For information on how to import this Crosstab Definition please see How to Import a Crosstab Library File.
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