Crosstab Name | SKU Contribution Analysis (4 files) |
Description | Shows the percentage contribution of each SKU to the selected grand total |
Number of Files | 4 Summary files required |
Database Validity | Can be applied to all databases. |
Variants | SKU Contribution Analysis (2 files) SKU Contribution Analysis (3 files) |
Extra Notes | Does not use any classification variables, so is applicable to all sales databases. Variance option must be Period Totals only. |
You want to see if there is a significant change in SKU contributions in 4 selected summary files for a selected period.
This report includes columns that express each item's value as a percentage of the grand total value, e.g. 103,931 is 9.5% of 1,088,354.
For information on how to import this Crosstab Definition please see How to Import a Crosstab Library File.
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