Crosstab Name | Ex-Exchange Variance Analysis (3 files) |
Description | Shows variances and % variances between three files split between exchange and ex-exchange |
Number of Files | 3 files required |
Database Validity | Can be applied to all databases. |
Variants | Ex-Exchange Variance Analysis (2 files) Ex-Exchange Variance Analysis (4 files) |
Extra Notes | Variances shown are for file 1 vs file 2 or 3, hence the sequence of files is significant. Does not use any classification variables, so is applicable to all databases. Variance option must be Period Totals only. Select the relevant period only. Files 2 and 3 should always be BASE files. Exchange Variances will only show when the Planning Currency differs from the currency selected for the report. |
You want to show variances and % variances between three files split between exchange and ex-exchange.
For information on how to import this Crosstab Definition please see How to Import a Crosstab Library File.
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