Crosstab Name | Month & YTD Variance Analysis (4 Files) |
Description | Provides an analysis of Monthly and YTD variances between one file and two others. The resulting report uses natural variance signs, i.e. Variance = File 1 - (File 2 or File 3 or File 4). |
Number of Files | 4 Summary Files required |
Database Validity | Can be applied to all Sales and P&L databases. |
Variants | Month & YTD Variance Analysis (2 Files) Month & YTD Variance Analysis (3 Files) |
Extra Notes | Variances shown are for file 1 vs file 2, 3 or 4, hence the sequence of files is significant. Does not use any classification variables, so is applicable to all sales databases. Period must be January to December. Variance option must be Period Totals only. |
You want to show just the difference between the first file and the three other selected files, rather than financially which may show the opposite sign. You want this to be shown for the current month and YTD.
For information on how to import this Crosstab Definition please see How to Import a Crosstab Library File.
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