This topic is intended for those using IFP 3.4.2 and later. Those using earlier versions should view Applying Item Code Mapping Models.
After importing new item codes into an IFP database it is important to apply mappings to classification variables, including adding any new rules. The best way to do this is to use Classification Variable Mapping tables based on code conversion tables.
This method is recommended over manual editing of classification data as it is much faster, more consistent and allows easy modification of rules at any point in time.
Using Exception-Based Rules
Mapping models are best applied on an exception basis, i.e. by selecting only those items that do not have an existing mapping for the variable concerned. This is achieved by creating an Item Favourite which has a rule for each blank variable that has a Mapping Table. An example is shown below:
Select Item Codes to be Mapped
- From IFP Home, select Codes Maintenance > Item Codes Maintenance
- Load Item Favourite… and select the All Items with Blanks Item Favourite (created above)
- Select Next and Finish to open the Codes Editor
Applying Mapping Table
- Select the complete variable column by clicking on the column header
- Click Mappings on the toolbar
- Select the required mapping table
- Click Apply Mapping. The empty variable mappings will then be populated according to the mapping rules.
Missing Mappings
If there are any missing mappings, the following dialog will be shown. IFP will determine which additional rules are required, allowing you to complete the Target Code and Description for each.
- Click Yes to add the required rule(s)
- Add the Target Code for this rule, and update the description (if required)
- Once all new rules have been updated, click Save and Apply
- Repeat the above for any other variables that require updating
- When the resulting codes show as expected, click Save and Close.
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