A Trading Days Line in Report Definition Editor shows the number of trading days over a specific range of months within a selected year. The Trading Days Line Type Editor consists of the following fields:
Example Uses
- Can get a daily average used as calculation line
- Can be used to show how many days were in a certain month
- Can give indications on variances between months
This will be the text shown in the description column in reports that use this report definition.
Period Fields
Select the Year, First and Last Month for which you require the number of trading days.
Year 2018, First Month = August, Last Month = December gives the total number of days for the last 5 months of 2018.
Use Current Day (CD)
Selecting this option uses the current day number for the current month in the current year. This is set via Database Environment Settings.
Note: Clearly, Trading Days must be kept updated in order for these functions to work accurately.
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