More advanced aspects of a volume, price & exchange variance analysis are available via Crosstabulation Analysis. This allows users to specify exactly which columns are to be shown and to perform variance analyses for complex periods; e.g. compare quarter 2 with quarter 1 within the same file.
File Selection Options
For Crosstabulation Analysis, sales files must be selected with Variance Option set to Period totals only.
Value should be selected above. Any currency may be used with any level of detail. (show quote on screenshot)
Crosstabulation Options
The example below shows an analysis of actual vs. plan and prior year for the year to date.
Type |
Variance |
22 |
Volume |
23 |
Price |
24 |
New |
25 |
Exchange |
Column types 22 to 25 define the above variance contributions. The format of each column definition is as follows:
M1 = First month
M2 = Last month
F1 = Master file number
F2 = Base file number
For example, ‘01CM0102’ gives variances for months 1 to the current month for file 01 vs. file 02.
Note: Where more than two files are used all non-variance defined columns must appear before variance defined columns; e.g. columns 1 to 3 above are non-variance defined columns.
Variance Analyses for Non-Standard Periods
Where variance analyses are required for non-standard periods; e.g. actuals for quarter 4 vs. actuals for quarter 3, a simple trick is available to provide the necessary data.
- Create a crosstab that looks specifically at a quarter during the year e.g. Volume, Price, Exchange Variances Q4 Vs Q3
- From IFP Home select Reporting > Crosstabulation Analysis > Custom File Selection
- Select the two files to compare (these may be identical as you are only looking at specific periods)
- Move through the remainder of the report wizard making Item Selections, choosing Reporting Options.
- Select the relevant Crosstab Report e.g. Volume, Price, Exchange Variances Q4 Vs Q3
- Create the report.
This looks fine now, although table for column types could be better presented - may need Rik's help.
All good except is it worth creating a link to http://support.ajbsystems.net/entries/23648351-Crosstab-Definition-Library-Overview explaining there are some Volume Price analysis example crosstabs there.
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