To copy data from one file another:
- From IFP Home, select Databases / Files > Data File Manager.
- Select the Data File you wish to copy from (the source) and click the Copy button.
- Set the Copy Data File Options (see below) and click Next.
- Choose the Item Selection (or Load Item Favourite) and click Next.
- On the Run Data File Copy screen:
- Review the settings listed
- Run Copy
- Check the summary and messages (if any). If the copy did not run as expected, you can step Back through the wizard to correct any issues before re-running the copy.
- If required, Save Results (the settings, summary and messages of the copy)
- Click Next
- (Optional) On the Save AutoTask screen you can, if using a saved Item Favourite, save these copy settings as a Data File Copy AutoTask to run automatically or to step through to avoid entering the settings in future.
- Click Finish
For a demonstration on this topic, see [video]: Copying Data from One File to Another.
In cases where data has only values (zero units, zero ASP), a conversion table cannot be used. See Importing from a Package for the recommended solution to use in such situations.
General Options
Target Data File
This is the file that data will be copied into and may be any file of the same type (i.e. you can only copy data from a Summary file into another Summary file).
You should carefully check the target file selected here, as any existing data will be updated with source file values for the selected set of item codes, for the selected period.
Period to Copy
This determines the first and last period (month or day for Summary or Daily files respectively) of data to be copied
When selecting the Period to Copy:
- The From period must not overlap with the locked part of the target file. For example, if the target file is locked to March, the first month must not be earlier than April.
- The To period must be the same as or after the From period.
- Only data within the periods will be affected by the copy process.
- You can also use Period Tokens such as CM, RM, PM; allowing extra flexibility when used in AutoTasks.
Data to Copy (Sales databases only)
Select whether to copy Units, ASP or both. In order to copy Values, select both Units and ASP.
Add to Existing Values
If this option is selected, IFP will add source file values to any existing values in the target file for the same period. This can be useful if two or more parts of a forecast for each item are maintained in separate files. If this is not selected, the source file will simply overwrite existing data.
Clear Target File First
If this option is selected, IFP will delete all data in the data file for the time period selected, regardless of item selection.
Advanced Options
Shift By (Timing Adjustment)
This determines the number of periods by which the source file data is to be shifted when copying into the target file. For example, a timing adjustment of +2 on a summary file will move source file values for January forward two months to March. IFP validates the entry here, so a timing adjustment of +2 would be inconsistent with a last period of November or December.
Conversion Table
This allows a Code Conversion Table to be applied to the data in the source file during copying e.g. to convert old item codes to a new item code for historical data. Clicking the browse button will allow you to select the relevant conversion table from the list available in the database. To remove a previous selection, click the Clear link.
Single Month Source
Having this option selected will set all months in the selected period to be set the same as the Source Month. For example, having March set as the Source Month when January to April periods are selected will copy the March source data to each of the 4 periods selected in the target file. This selection is useful if you want to use prices for a single month as a basis for a plan or forecast.
Copy data comments if found
If the source file contains comments at item code level for the item selections made, then these can also be copied by selecting this option.
Item Selection
Items to be copied may be specified using any combination of Item Tables, Item Codes or Classification Variables.
Common Issues
Some values are being doubled up, why is this?
If you selected Add to Existing Values and not Clear target file first in General Options, values would have been added to the initial value. To stop this from happening either deselect Add to Existing Values, or select Clear Target File First, dependent on requirements. The correct values should then be observed.
Target Data File Locked
The target data file is locked for at least part of the selected period. If the selected import period is correct, check if the data file has been incorrectly locked. This change in lock and unlock settings can only be done by Local Administrators.
"Shift By" Period is invalid
This will occur when trying to "Shift" the selected period beyond either end of the year, e.g. Last Period November shifted by +2 months will take you beyond December. To correct this you should either change the Shift By value or change the selected period.
I’m asked to close the task when pressing Finish
The warning message Are you sure you wish to close without running the task? will show on the Save AutoTask page if you have not Run the Data File Copy in the previous step.
Possible Warning Messages
Code 'ABC01_AB_01' was not found. - when copying units / values with a conversion table then the code to be copied does not currently exist in the database. You will need to either run an Item Code Import which includes the missing code, add the item manually or use an exceptions template (if available).
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