This feature requires IFP 3.3.2 or later
File comparison graphs can be used to compare two different sets of figures (series) across multiple years. E.g. compare two different forecasts (Inventory vs Sales), for multiple years (2016 to 2017 for each forecast):
How to specify series
A series is a set of one or more files. After adding the required files, set the series number for each file if required, though note that there needs to be the same number of files in each series. Pressing Next with, e.g. three files in series 1 and one file in series 2, will inform you that Files are not evenly distributed between all the series.
You can manually adjust the number of data series required on Advanced Options... > Number of Data Series (only valid selections for the number of files will be listed). This will automatically set the files’ series: all series 1 files, then all series 2 files, etc.
Note: If corresponding files in different series have different years, all the different years will show on the axis label.
Labelling the data series
The labels for the data series on the graph are set by editing the label for the first file in each series on the Custom File Selection screen:
Graphing Options
The graphing options screen will show the selected number of series and the labels from the first file for each series. You can set the required series format as usual:
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