You may choose from lists of available item code components e.g. companies, business units, accounts or product groups. Any combination of available items may be selected from each list.
How to make selections using Item Tables
This is best illustrated with an example.
Suppose you wish to select all items in the Product Groups 'Pacilon' and 'Battelon' whose Item Status is 'New'.
- To show the list of available codes, click on Product Group.
- Select required codes using the mouse and CTRL/SHIFT. You may also double-click a code to select only that code.
- To close the list and view all selections, click on the variable name (Product Group) again.
- Repeat steps 1-3 for any other selections.
- Your selections are shown as follows:
Tip: To reset all selections to All, right-click anywhere in the grid and select Reset All Selections.
For more information on the other Item Selection tabs, see Item Selection Using Item Codes and Item Selection Using Classification Variables.
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