Report Headings are important in describing the report or graph that has been run, especially when using a package. You can use Dynamic Tokens such as {PackageName}, {CurrentMonth} and {UserName} in Package Headings rather than fixed text.
The following tokens are available:
{PackageName} - name of the package
{DatabaseName} - current database name
{CurrentMonth} - current month from database environment settings
{CurrentYear} - current year from database environment settings
{CurrentDay} - current day from database environment settings
{LicenseName} - Company Name from License
{UserName} - Current full user name
Inserting a Token
You can use fixed text and tokens together on each line, or no tokens at all.
- Create or Edit a Package.
- Select the Headings tab.
- Select a Line, position the cursor where you would like the token to be and click Insert Token.
- Select the required token from the list to insert it at the current cursor position.
When you run a report using this package, this results in the following. As well as viewing the header in a Report Title, you can also see this information by hovering over the report tab.
Default Headings
By clicking on Reset to defaults the Headings will revert to their original format, Line 1: {DATABASENAME} and Line 2: {PACKAGENAME}.
Hello Richard,
please advise if there is a way to put Previous month ({CurrentMonth} - 1) Dynamic Token in Package Headings?
Thank you.
Currently the dynamic tokens available in Package Headings are those shown when you click Insert Token.
If you would like to see further tokens available for Package Headings in a future release of IFP, please create a Feature Request (including which tokens you would like to see) so that other users can vote on this.
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